Emplovis – personnel planning for shift operations
Workforce planning and skill management
Shift schedules
Overview in shift workOverview in shift work
Two-layer, three-layer or completely individual layer patterns. Quick planning with sample layers. Clear displays and downloads.
Daily shift schedule
The perfect daily planThe perfect daily plan
Clear daily planning with many options. Detailed planning with assignment of employees to workplaces.Skill management
Always qualified staffAlways qualified staff
All employee information including skills at a glance. Due dates of training courses as tasks, even incl. Training documents.Absence requests
Secured staff coverageSecured staff coverage
Decide on absences from shift planning. Plan absences with a view to qualifications and the overall situation.“Audit effort halved through digital qualification management”
Shift schedules
- Regardless of whether it is a two-, three-shift or an individual pattern, everything can be mapped
-> flexibility - Shift plan generator, a shift plan is created between the start and end date
-> Less mistakes in shift planning - Manual planning is also possible
-> Flexibility stays with the customer - Shift plan management to view the plans or download the plans as PDF
-> Direct dispatch as PDF and therefore always visible
Daily shift schedule and review
- Minimum strength is taken into account according to the qualifications of the employees
-> No underfunding due to a lack of qualifications - Visual notice if premises are violated (e.g. underfunding)
-> Fewer organizational problems and costs due to bad planning - Detailed insight into a shift
-> Time saving
Absence requests
- Employees can submit an absence request at any time
-> Employee satisfaction increases
- The superior is stored in the system, the completed application is forwarded directly
-> Speed, less effort - After the application has been approved, the employee can no longer be scheduled for the period
-> Costs and follow-up costs due to bad planning decrease - Effects of the employee’s absence can be seen transparently in the system
-> Bad planning and the costs of this decrease
Qualification management and further training measures
- Skills and qualifications can be assigned to employees
-> Qualifications at a glance at all times - Due dates for training courses can be forwarded to employees and supervisors as tasks or as an automatic email dispatch
-> Transparency about the current training status - Attachment of training documents (interactive checklists, PDFs and videos, links)
-> All data are in one system
Zufriedene Anwender
So habe ich in kürzester Zeit einen Überblick, ob es zuletzt Auffälligkeiten oder Veränderungen im Produktionsablauf gab oder ob etwas Sicherheitsrelevantes passiert ist. Ich kann unmittelbar reagieren.
New Solutions ist den Umgang mit produzierenden Unternehmen gewöhnt. Die Spezialisten sprechen dieselbe Sprache wie wir und wissen auch, welche Risiken in Änderungen an solchen Systemen stecken.
Für das Programm Finito Digital Shift Book von der New Solutions GmbH haben wir uns wegen des Funktionsumfangs und des guten Preis-Leistungsverhältnisses entschieden. Außerdem ist die Lösung intuitiv und damit sehr einfach zu bedienen, das hat uns gut gefallen.
Dass ein vergleichsweise günstiges Standardprodukt wie Finito sich so anpassungs- und erweiterungsfähig zeigen würde … hat mich positiv überrascht.
Emplovis supplements Finito with personnel planning and control with a qualification management that is optimized for shift operations
Finito |
Emplovis |
Create work centers | X | X |
Create staff | X | X |
Changing shift patterns / rhythms | X | X |
Maintain staff present in the shift log | X | X |
Minimum occupation / shift | – | X |
Automatic filling of workplaces with shift personnel | – | X |
Shift plan generation and administration | – | X |
Daily, monthly and annual plans | – | X |
Reports & statistics on staff strengths in the shifts | – | X |
Absence Statistics | – | X |
Bring in shifts and vario shift worker models | – | X |
Absence requests (vacation, illness, etc.) incl. Approval process | – | X |
Maintaining qualifications, qualification management | – | X |
Re-certification & qualification processes | – | X |
XML interface to the HR system, accounting | – | X |
Get in Touch!
Would you like to know more about our products? Then please write me using the contact form. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Dominik Weggler
Director Sales